Just received a great gift from a friend. Have you seen these? They're reusable shopping bags that are lightweight and roll up nice and small to fit into your pocketbook. They look great too! Makes it so easy for me, who has a ton of reusable shopping bags that I am always forgetting to bring into the store with me! They're from Envirosax and come in lots of great patterns including kid's designs. Just had to share these! Check out what Julia at Hookedonhouses and everyone else is hooked on today!
Love the red and white -- so cheerful!
That's a great bag. I bought some reusable bags, but they are not as pretty as that one!
Very nice! I like the reusable ones like that...much sturdier than what you get in the store normally.
Hi Dawn, Love the bag!!!Thanks for the visit and the sweet comment!It's taken me a bit to get back to everyone as I've been sick.I'm better now!!!!I'm back in blogland!!WOOOHOOO!!!!I'VE MISSED EVERYONE!Have a GREAT weekend!!Blessings, Deborah
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