My hope and reason for blogging is to inspire - it may be to create something, decorate a room a certain way or maybe to prepare one of the recipes that I mention. I have been working on this post to spread the creative bug. This is so important to me because I believe we all need to explore our creative sides. Maybe it will help to reduce some of the stress everyone is feeling today.
How do you explore your creative side?
In the kitchen?
On paper
With your camera
A paintbrush
Decorating your home
With your kids
In the garden
With your blog
Why do you "get creative"?
Stress relief?
Personal satisfaction
For pure simple fun
To show off your talents
It's an escape
What inspires you to Create?
Where do you create?
Dining room table?
Craft room
Altered closet

I am having a giveaway of a current copy of Where Women Create on March 8th at 8pm eastern time. I am so inspired by this magazine and if you haven't seen it yet, you need to! All you need to do to enter is leave a comment answering at least one of the above questions, or if you'd like, answer all of the questions. I am really interested in your answers and hope to inspire more women to Explore their Creativity through this post. I would love it, (if you have a blog) and would like to post on this topic. If you do, just link back to us and leave me your link as well for others to visit you. I've even created a graphic for you to use. Let's spread the creative fever through blogland!
So, here are my answers to the above.
I have always needed to create, since I can remember. Problem is, I love to do it all and there just isn't enough time! I love to cook, take pictures, paint, arrange flowers, work with beads, fabric, wood, actually I think just about any material.

For me, when I am able to get in "my creative zone", I am so much more relaxed and find that I don't think about anything else when I'm "there". This is why I can't be cooking anything on the stove while I'm in my zone (I have burnt so many things because of this).

My family inspires me a lot, especially the cooking part, they love to eat and try new things. I am also inspired by nature, especially flowers and the beach. We fortunately live close to water and I can go there anytime for some quiet inspiration. I am sooo inspired by my supplies. This is why I like to be surrounded by all of it. I am finding it very
uninspiring right now when I have to dig through a box to find what I need to finish something that I'm working on. This is why I have to share
Where Women Create with you. This magazine and it's stories of all of the creative women is very inspiring! Let's not forget blogland and all of the creative inspiration that's out there. I can't tell you how many times I have looked at Melissa's
Inspired Room blog and wanted to redecorate or even just organize or rearrange some furniture.
Finally, where? Everywhere at the moment. In the basement, in the garage, kitchen table, dining room table, temporary folding tables in the living room. This all brings me to my current project of organizing, and creating one main space for me to work. I've already started with this piece here. I will be sharing my progress here on my blog as I get there. Oh I almost forgot, I do most of my creative thinking in the shower!
So, I hope you will participate and share some Creative Inspiration with us! Don't forget to leave me some kind of contact info in case you are the winner. If I choose an entry without contact info, I will have to choose another.
Check out these Inspiring Creative Spaces!
My friend Cathy of Treasured Heirlooms and Elegance and Whimsy appeared on the cover of Romantic Homes Christmas issue. Check out her studio HERE. Scroll down to the bottom of her photo gallery.
Also, check out this gorgeous studio of Heather Bullard, The Present Past Collection. Click HERE.
HERE is another beautiful studio where my friend Michelle of The Raspberry Rabbits gets to create with her bunnies!
Gail Friend of Gail Friend Designs is being featured in the new issue of Cloth, Paper, Scissors' Studio magazine. It's coming out March 31st featuring the studios of various artists. Check it out HERE.
I also just love where Dawn from The Feathered Nest creates her beautiful art. See it HERE.
This is definitely an book I'd LOVE to win! The studio on the cover looks like HEAVEN to me! lol
If I happen to win, you can reach me through the link to my blog!
I feel the urgency to make, craft, create as best I can anything I can. It is like eating, I must do it. I love to paint both on canvas, china,furniture, walls, etc. Decorating my home is important as well I like the ecletic look. Gardening is a must. Anything can inspire me,a flash of color, a shape,a sky full of clouds, magazines, people.
I do most of my crafting etc, in my art studio.
I have been making things since I can remember. A day doesn't go by that I am not working on one or more things.
Thanks for the opportunity to express my love of creation,and creating.
Dawn what a fun topic to explore.
I use my dining room table as my work area right now. Definitely use it for stress relief, stitching keeps my mind off things. I get inspired by magazines, people and nature. I love silk ribbon embroidery right now. It just feeds my soul.
Patricia Rose-A Potpourri of Fabric, Fragrance and Findings
Hi Dawn,,, what an awesome idea and a great contest. I am like you and will work with about any thing I can get my hands on. I sew, make jewelry, paint, draw,etc. Its just something I "have" to do. I love being in that creative zone also. All is right with the world while I am there. I am inspired by nature, color and art. I am also inspired by yards and yards of fabric and lace and trims. Oh thats just heaven! Thankfully I have a studio, which is the 2nd bedroom in my apt. I spend most of my time in this room. I love it here. Thanks for sharing this information, I cant wait to see what everyone else says.
Happy Creating... gail
I love to shut my eyes in my bedroom and just invision what I want to see in my life and home. I also have a lot of the stuff I use to create things out so I can see them.
Hi Dawn....what a thought-provoking post! I explore my creative side in many ways. Sometimes I get creative in the kitchen...I love cooking "gourmet" type meals, but my husband is a meat and potatoes man so I don't get to do this unless we have certain people visiting. I love getting creative decorating our home and my little cottage shop. I used to get creative in the garden and loved doing that but it's been several years since I worked in the flowers.....I really need to get back to that again! I get creative for a variety of reasons.....sometimes purely for escape or stress relief or fun, especially if I am rearranging and redecorating the cottage shop. Other times I like to push myself to a new creative limit or genre just to see if I can do it. If I am creating some type of craft, or a sewing or painting project I do it in my studio.....which is wonderful to have a special space just for creating.....every artist needs their own space! My studio is the largest room in my cottage shop...I just set it up in there and I'm loving it!
Keeping my fingers cross that you pick my number for the giveaway!!! :) (Sorry this was so long.)
Dawn, I would love to win this book! I do my creating in a closet that has been converted into a work station. I am inspired by magazines and nature. I really love to do all kinds of crafts!
Oh Dawn -how generous and gorgeous!
I create to be surrounded by beauty and because The Creator placed the desire to create within us so I long to create. I am inspired by nature, other women - esp by reading magazines and other blogs. I create at the sewing machine, in the art room, the dining table. I get simple pleasure from making something.
To answer all of your questions ... I'm all over the board...I have ADD ... attention design disorder.
toss my name in the hat. please.
p.s. if you don't mind I'm adding you to my faves.
LOVERLY book to win, and I would love to win it, lol.
I love to create at my dining room table. There I have my sewing machine, it is close to all my fabric and knick knacks I need to embellish my items with.
My inspiration comes from books and people. I like to watch people and think, HHMM what would be nice for her and then I try to make it for her (I only watch friends, lol)
My very dear friend loves lounging in her jammies and bathrobe in the morning. And now I am making her an Angel in bathrobe and slippers, and jammies LOL!
I know she is going to love it, esp since I am also making it in HER fave color, Lavender.
Hugs from Marian/Dutchy on MMP
Thank you for hosting the "Inspirational" giveaway. :)
If I create something beautiful, it lifts me up and makes me happy. And if it is something that I can see everyday, then it makes me happy everday. If I'm happy, I have less stress. So, I try to create something beautiful in each room of the house. It may be a centerpiece, wall ornament, floor rug, blanket, flowers.
Getting rid of clutter is the main thing that helps me to be inspired to create something beautiful and romantic. :)
Hi Dawn. What a beautiful post. I didn't want it to end.
I wanted to answer the question of "what inspires me?" Definitely crafting magazines. The minute I pick one up, I rush right into creating something. Doesn't matter what it is, small or big, I create something. So magazines do it for me every single time. Can you imagine me winning this magazine then? I'd be unstoppable. I can't believe I don't already own it!!
Could be a recipe magazine too. I will whip something right up the minute I put down a recipe mag! MMMMMMMM
I will grab your graphic and add it to my blog this weekend.
Thanks for doing this, you're a doll!
Hi Dawn,
Oh I am so going to Love this and will definitely have to be involved. We are just finishing up the re~do of our Florida room, turning it into my new Office/Craft room. I have loved every minute doing this, however it just takes so long when you wanted it done yesterday. Anyway, I have done crafts forever, I love the inspirational creative challenge from within. Crafting for me is like Therapy, no stress! "Where Women Create" is a book no crafter should be without! Thank you so much for starting this new venture, it is exactly what I need!
Huggs, Nancy
What a neat contest. I was born with a paintbrush in my hand but it doesn't stop there. Painting and pink roses are my first love but I also love to cook,garden,decorate,sew and the list could go on and on.I can't explain it... it's God's gift,it's a passion. I can't stop. There's just so much out there to do and I want to do it all,LOL.Thankfully I have 2 wonderful sun rooms for a studio. I wish I had a housekeeper to go with them,LOL.
If I win you can reach me through my blog.
You're right!!! I forgot to share something about my own creativity! oops!
I like to create things out of necessity, but to bring a whimsical aspect to it by altering it or completely creating it myself! You know, why have something hum-drum when you can have something cute?! With 5 daughters, I try to make our home something special and a place where they always feel happy to be!
I also have a scraproom which was supposed to contain all my creative mess, but I seem to have spilled out on to the dining room table most days! Gotta come up with a cure for that one!
Hi Dawn, Thank you for dropping by for a visit. This is a great post! I love to craft & it's a great stress reliever, but I'm having trouble finding a really good spot to work lately. I'll keep looking though! Happy Pink Saturday! ♥ Diane
Hi Dawn! Fist of all, thanks for stopping by - I'm thrilled to know about your blog. I love the blogs that inspire my creativity. Because we have been under construction for so long, I feel like I have lost my creativity. Probably due to all the chaos around here, BUT - slowly but surely I'm getting it back. Lately I've been using the dining room for projects, but eventually I will use the upstairs loft of our old farmhouse. A lot of my ideas come to me while taking a bath! I lie there in my warm bubbles and envision what I want. It works!
Please enter me in the contest!!!
I think I would create more if I had a space to just for that. I usually just do it on my kitchen counter or on my coffee table!
Hi Dawn,
It is not a Choice whether I Create or Don't Create. It is a need deep inside of me that has been there since childhood.
I can't breathe if I can't create. Even when I go to sleep at night I can't sleep well because I'm constantly creating in my head. I think this is a healthy disorder that I have and my friends too. I find that if I am not surrounded by creativity daily I feel lost. The energy I receive from other artists is empowering and reinforces why I am here.
I always believed that my creations would play an important part in making other's lives happy and that dream has come true in so many ways I could not ask for more. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to remind ourselves how important it is to create and to share our creative imaginations with others.
This was really fun.
xo Cathy
I am enjoying your blog and will come back again. I create in my head first,wakeing moments,in the shower, you never know... I am gratefull to have a spare bedroom to create in. I have storage hidden here and there in the house. I work alone, I like quiet or soft music. It's a God thing. I like to sell a bit to support the habit, and find inspiration from everywhere. Even in an airplane.The clouds and earth are telling from that vantage point if you look. This was fun!
My inspiration comes mainly from colour, natural beauty around us ... in the garden for example. I also love texture, I decide in my mind what I would like to create and then try and get the hands to do what my minds eye has saw! Sometimes I get it right too. lol Sarah x
what a small world, yes I'm familiar with where you take the class, she had a great tag sale there years ago!!
awesome blog!
I love to papercut, to sew by hand, quilting and since I started blogging I have entered some swaps and stepping out of my comfort zone and trying new things like tags and mixed media. I am inspired by lots of things, magazines, other bloggers, things I see in shops, something in a book will catch my eye, just about anywhere. I usually create in the family room while watching tv but I really need to set up a workroom.
If I don't create I die... I'm a creative soul and I create through writing.... thanks for stopping by the house in the roses
Please count me in. I would love to participate in this lovely giveaway!
I've seen this book at the craft line (not much time to look through it!). 1) through my home, the jewelry I make, and blog--in that order; 2) definitely for relaxation and something that shows me for who I am--my creations somewhat show who the real me is; 3)I'm continually inspired by beautiful magazines and beautiful things; 4) I create on our kitchen counter (my husband is very patient!) so that I can watch/supervise my children as they do their homeschool work AND believe it or not in the car (I think it's a waste of time riding around not doing anything while sitting there). Thanks for the fun post!
Hi Dawn, Thank you for the invitation and for your visit. Always a delight! I have heard so much about that magazine and would love to have it. I create simply because it gives me so much pleasure and personal satisfaction. I am lucky to have a studio to work in, sew in, pack in, create in. It's not pretty (working on that) but it's mine. I have so many ideas whirling around in my head and on paper but there just is simply not enough time. My better half has to make me leave my space sometimes at night. Why do I do it? One...very simple reason... it's make me happy and brings a smile to others! xo Lynn
My answer to alll of the things you listed to all of the questions is "YES" ..... that's why I'm so disorganized I just have so much going on ... but I looove it.
What a fun thing to be doing! I love this magazine and love to read and be inspired by so many others. It makes for such a great community of kindred spirits!
Let's see...
I explore my creative side through textiles and words. I get creative because, like breathing, it's just part of me that happens naturally. I'm always inspired by bunnies and the words and creations of others. I'm blessed to have "Bunnyville." My own space with my two pet bunnies that I can create and escape into a haven of soft fuzziness and bliss.
bunny hugs,
Hello Dawn,
I love to create in my family room most of the time, I spread all my goodies around me while watching TV and create treasures. Please count me in your giveaway.
Kindredly, Lynne Laura
I create because I *have*'s all about the transformation...I have always loved to give something a *new* look and purpose.
Great post Dawn! I'm so much like you...I love to do it all. And somehow it ALL ends up everywhere! I know "the zone" well. Unfortunately I haven't visited it enough lately! Hoping to change that soon!
Dawn, thanks for this generous opportunity. I would have to say, these days for me, it's my camera where my creativity is being explored the most right now. Experimenting with lighting and shadows, and taking simple, mundane objects and making them interesting is currently my focus. It brings a great sense of satisfaction when I sit down and look at what I just shot.
Hi Dawn,,, I have just done a blog post about my studio. I am being featured in STUDIOS magazine, so I put a a couple photos. I dont know if this helps or not? (())gail
Dawn, reading your blog is so inspiring!
I am drawn to so many interest's that let's me create! I want to do a little bit of it all as well, just never seems like enough time or energy. I love sewing, decorating, scrap booking, baking, cooking, woodworking, oil painting, painting anything and everything, wanting to learn crochet and knitting, really anything I can make with my hands.
I am inspired by nature, colors,magazines and books, blogs,fabric, patterns. My loves are birds and flowers!
I can create anywhere there is a space. I do have my own office/craft room. My husband built me some workstations and I am still in process of "finishing" this space. My creativity comes to me in the shower, a quiet moment in pondering (these are my "aha" moments!) and I am know by many of my friends to go to bed thinking on how to solve a design problem and wake up with the I create in my dreams as well!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and giving this opportunity to share mine.
I would love to read this magazine!!
I think of everything I do as creating con5459(at)gmail(dot)
Hi Dawn,
I would like to win that book! I find creativity so rewarding in so many ways. It is theraputic for me and I love to share with others. I too am having a give-away, starting tomorrow. Why don't you drop by and see what it's all about. I really enjoy visiting your blog and wish you a wonderful day.
oh my! so many things inspire me to create. i too have been at the creating thing since i was little. it's in the blood i think. anyway...whenever i get a little "stuck" i love to look through books and magazines. it just inspires me to creating again.
Thanks so much for visiting my place. This book looks like a great read from cover to cover. I would love to add this to my collection!
I find inspiration everywhere I go. I try to learn from everyone, because I love to create. Some days I am in the mood to cook and decorate, but usually when I am at home I want to make things. Painting has been a long standing hobby, whether it's artwork or re-purposing furniture. Creating beautiful flower arrangements is so soothing as well. My studio space can range from the kitchen to the garage! You never know what part of the house might get taken over by my projects.
Your blog is beautiful, I'll be back!
Great giveaway!! You will find me most times creating on the floor!!! My kids don't like that!!!!
Hi Dawn, I am currently working on card making though I love to explore my creative side in many ways. I love to cook,but I don't get to do as much now that I live alone, though I do a fair amount of entertaining. I love to decorate my little house I used to enjoy gardening, but thats out of my reach at the moment! I get creative sometimes purely for fun and to fill the gap of my empty nest syndrome.
I would so love to win this.
well, I will admit, only to you and your readers Dawn, that I have signed myself up for the 12 step program. Yes, I am a fabri-holic,paper-holic,stamp-aholic and embelishments-aholic!
I am so inpsired by flowers and by other artists too! Visual artistry just takes my breath away!
In fact, while most people are standing in line at all the rides at Disney, I am taking in all the fabulous artistic touches!
Thanks for revving up my creative juices! Now, it's time to enjoy!
I'm glad you reminded us...I meant to get back here to enter but forgot.
I feel I'm most creative in the kitchen and decorating my home. It gives me personal satisfaction and is just fun to do. I also have been experimenting with photography and am making some progress.
I get a lot of inspriration from nature, from magazines and from the wonderful talented people I've met while blogging.
Hi Dawn, First I would like to thank you for visiting and leaving your sweet comments!
I am in and out of creative moods. With blogging, lately I am living through you all!!!
I get creative when decorating....and gardening. Right now I am working on my inspiration dining room...and being most creative with my camera! I would love to enter and win your giveaway...Love this mag.
Thank you! ~Cheryl
What a great idea from such a creative person as yourself....Well, I love a home and inspired by decorating. I just love to hear a person say, I LOVED IT, GOT IT AND WILL FIND A PLACE FOR IT! I think that when you are surrounded by the things you love than you are happy..
Hope you have a wonderful week,
My brain is so full of ideas I hope to be able to live long enough to execute all of them. Sometimes it just bogs me down, however.....with that ever present question....where do I begin??
Now, if I had the perfect spot, that might help! I would love to be the winner of what looks to be a wonderful guide in that regard....
Sign me up PLEASE!
Oh, and PS......I've added you to my favorite girlie list!....
Love your blog,i too was born creative.Always changing things always making things,I am a paper artist and as well love to make my own wreaths and decorations etc for my home.Even the name i chose for my house Brambly cottage beacaue i used to love the way those mice used to decorate their homes lolThankyou for your inspiration.
I would love to win a copy of this book. Whoever wins will be so blessed.
Most of my creative inspiration comes from magazines (Somerset Life)and the internet.
An author that I love to read is Julia Cameron.
Thanks for the opportunity and please put my name in the hat. Inspiration is what we all need.
i create in a scrap studio on our main floor. i do it because it is calming and therapeutic...and also because i have learned to love giving handmade gifts to others...
Most recently I started my blog to explore my creative side! I was inspired by all of these lovely shabby chic, romantic decorating blogs on here and I decided I would try my hand at it. I have definitely been bit by the decorating blog, and I hope to inspire and get inspiration from all the other wonderful people blogging on here.
You have a wonderful blog! The name alone made me a follower! I LOVE hydrangeas! Anyway, I found you through Joy's blogging party yesterday. Great blog. I'll be visiting often.
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